See also the complete list of publications.
Qualitative models of intramolecular dynamics of acetylene:
relation between the bending polyads of acetylene and perturbed Keplerian systems.
Mol. Phys. 116, 23-24, 3564-3601 (2018).
Topological phase transition in
molecular Hamiltonian with symmetry and pseudo-symmetry, studied through
quantum, semi-quantum and classical models
arXive quant-ph. 1703.04472, (2017) 37 pages
Chern number modification in crossing the
boundary between different band structures: Three-band model with cubic symmetry
Rev. Math. Phys. 29, 1750004 (2017) [91 pages]
Nikolai N. Nekhoroshev
Regular and Chaotic Dinamics, 21, No 6, 593-598 (2016)
Band rearrangement through the 2D-Dirac equation:
comparing the APS and the chiral bag boundary conditions
Indag. Math. 27, 1081-1106 (2016)
Change in energy eigenvalues against parameters
Geometric Methods in Physics. XXXIV Workshop, Bialoweza,
Poland, June 28 - July 4 2015, Springer, 2016, pp. 233-253
Symbolic Interpretation of the Molien Function: Free and Non-free Modules of Covariants
Geometric Methods in Physics. XXXIV Workshop, Bialoweza,
Poland, June 28 - July 4 2015, Springer, 2016, pp. 105-114
Introduction to Louis Michel's lattice geometry through group action.
EDP Sciences, CNRS Editions, 2015, 270 pp.
ISBN EDP Sciences: 978-2-7598-1738-2 .
On the number of k-faces of primitive parallelohedra
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, (2015),
Volume A71, pages 212-215
Local description of band rearrangements.
Comparison of semi-quantum and full quantum approach
arXiv:1407.4892 (2014); Acta Appl. Math, (2015)
137, 97-121; DOI:10.1007/s10440-014-9991-y
Topological phase transitions in the
vibration-rotation dynamics of an isolated molecule
Theoret. Chem. Accounts, 133, 1501 (2014)
Symmetries in Nature. The Scientific heritage of Louis Michel.
World Scientific, 2014, 400pp. ISBN: 978-981-4551-36-6
The action of the special orthogonal group
on planar vectors: integrity basis via a generalilzation of the symbolic
interpretation of Molien functions
J. Phys. A 48 035201 (19 pages) (2015)
Qualitative features of the rearrangement of molecular
energy spectra from a ``wall-crossing'' perspective.
Phys. Lett. A 377 (2013) 2481-2486
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2013.07.043
The action of the orthogonal group on planar vectors:
invariants, covariants and syzygies.
J. Phys. A 46 (2013) 455202
Rearrangement of Energy Bands: Chern numbers
in the Presence of Cubic symmetry.
Acta Appl. Math. 120, 153-175 (2012)
Energy bands: Chern numbers and symmetry.
Ann. Phys. (N.Y) 326, 3013-3066 (2011).
Symetrie dans la nature,.
PUG, Grenoble, 2011.
Monodromy and complexity of quantum systems
in: The Complexity of Dynamical Systems: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective.
Eds. J. Dubbeldam, K. Green, and D. Lenstra, Wiley, Singapore, 2011, p.159-181.
Generating functions for effective Hamiltonians.
Symmetry, topology, combinatorics
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 75, 109-117 (2012).
Reflextions on university education: soviet and french organization of teaching.
Ross. Khim. Zhurnal (Zhurnal Ross. Khim. ob-va im. D.I. Mendeleeva) 55, N 4, 97--105 (2011).
In Russian. English translation: Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 83, No.3, 604-613 (2013).
Quantum monodromy and pattern formation,
J.Phys. A Math. Gen. 43, 434033 (2010).
Hamiltonian monodromy, its manifestations
and generalizations
Proceedings ``Geometric mechanics`` workshop, Kyoto december
2009, RIMS Kokyuroku 1692, 57--77 (2010).
Dynamical manifestations of Hamiltonian
Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 324, 1953-1982 (2009)
Quantum Bifurcations.
In Meyers, Robert (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science,
Springer New York 2009, Part 17, Pages 7135-7154; In Mathematics of complexity and
dynamical systems, 2011, 1438 - 1456. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1806-1_91
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekhoroshev. Obituary
UMN, 64, 174-178 (2009)
Classical and quantum fold catastrophe in the presence
of axial symmetry
Phys. Rev A, 78, 052117 (2008)
Generating functions for effective
Hamiltonians via the symmetrised Hadamard product
J.Phys. A: Math.Theor. 41, 382004-1-9 (2008)
Rearrangement of energy bands. Topological aspects..
J. Math. Chem. 44 (4) , 1009-1022 (2008), DOI: 10.1007/s10910-008-9359-6
Dynamical manifestation of Hamiltonian
Europhys. Letters, 83, 24003-1-6 (2008)
Generalization of Hamiltonian monodromy. Quantum
Symmetry and Perturbation Theory. Proceedings of the International
Conference, Otranto, Italy 2-9 June 2007, ed. G. Gaeta, R. Vitolo, S. Walcher,
World Scientifique, (2007)
Fractional monodromy in systems with coupled
angular momenta
J.Phys. A: Math.Theor. 40, 13075--13089 (2007)
Classification of perturbations of the hydrogen atom by small
static electric and magnetic fields
Proc. R. Soc. A 463 (2083) 1771--90 (2007)
Hamiltonian systems with detuned 1:1:2 resonance.
Manifestation of bidromy
Ann.Phys. (N.Y) 322, 164--200 (2007)
Qualitative Analysis of the Classical and Quantum
Manakov Top .
SIGMA 3, (2007) 046, 23 pages
Fractional Hamiltonian monodromy.
Ann. Henri Poincare. 7, 1099--1211 (2006).
Hamiltonian monodromy as lattice defect.
in: Topology in
Condensed Matter, (Springer Series in Solid-State
Sciences, Vol. 150), 2006, pp. 165-186.
Quantum monodromy, its generalizations and molecular
Mol. Phys. 104(16-17), 2595-2615 (2006)
Interpretation of quantum Hamiltonian monodromy
in terms of lattice defects.
Acta Appl. Math. 87, 281-307 (2005)
Defects of quantum state lattice and assignment of
Proceedings of ICGTMP 25, Mexico 2004 ,
Ed. G.S.Pogosyan, L.E.Vicent, K.B.Wolf, Institute of Physics,
Conference Series Number 185, pp. 575-580 (2005).
Assigning vibrational polyads using relative equilibria.
Application to ozone.
Spectrochim. Acta A, 61, 2867-2885 (2005).
Monodromy of the quantum 1:1:2 resonant swing
J. Math. Phys., 45, 5076-5100 (2004).
CO2 molecule as a quantum realization
of the 1:1:2 resonant swing-spring with monodromy.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 024302-1-4 (2004)
Analysis of rotation-vibration relative
equilibria on example of a tetrahedral four atom molecule.
SIAM Journal of Dynamical Systems, 3, 261-351 (2004).
The integrated number of vibrational states in
acetylene (12C2H2,13C2H2, 12C2D2)
Mol. Phys. , 101, 595-601 (2003).
Reorganization of energy bands in quantum
finite particle systems.
Proceedings of ICGTMP 2002, Paris (2002), p. 625-632
Fractional monodromy of resonant classical and
quantum oscillators.
C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris Ser. I, 335, 985-988 (2002).
Topologically coupled energy bands in molecules.
Phys. Lett. A 302, 242-252 (2002); ArXive: quant-ph/0204100.
Monodromy of a two degree of freedom
Liouville integrable system with many focus-focus singular points.
J.Phys. A Math. Gen. 35 L415-L419 (2002).
Monodromy in systems with coupled angular momenta
and rearrangement of bands in quantum spectra.
Phys. Rev. A., 65, 012105 (2002).
Qualitative features of intra-molecular dynamics.
What can be learned from symmetry and topology.
Acta Appl. Math. 70, 265-282 (2002)
Qualitative features of quantum finite particle
Proceedings of Andronov memorial conference, vol.II.
of Nonlinear Science, pp 614-619, Nozhnii Novgorod Russia (2002).
Rotational-vibrational relative equilibria
and the structure of quantum energy spectrum of the tetrahedral molecule P$_4$.
Europ. Phys.J. D 17, 13-35 (2001).
Invariant theory in crystal symmetry.
Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed
Matter. Ed. T. Lulek, B. Lulek, A. Wal. Proceedings of 6-th
International School of Theoretical Physics. 31 August - 6 September
2000. World Scientific, 2001, pp. 346-357
Topological properties of the
Born-Oppenheimer approximation and implications for the exact spectrum.
Let. Math. Phys. 55, 239-247 (2001).
Symmetry, Invariants, and Topology. I. Basic Tools.
Phys. Rep. 341, 11-84 (2001).
Symmetry, Invariants, and Topology. II
Symmetry, invariants, and topology in moleculsr models.
Phys. Rep. 341, 85-171 (2001).
Symmetry, Invariants, and Topology. III.
Rydberg states of atoms and molecules. Basic group theoretical and
topological analysis.
Phys. Rep. 341, 175-264 (2001).
Symmetry, Invariants, and Topology. V.
The ring of invariant real functions on the Brillouin zone.
Phys. Rep. 341, 337-376 (2001).
Topological Chern indices in molecular spectra
Phys. Rev. Lett. , 85, 960-963 (2000). (quant-ph/9912091).
The vibrational energy pattern in
acetylene (VI): Inter and intrapolyad structures
J.Chem. Phys. , 113, 7885-7890 (2000).
Analysis of the ``Unusual'' Vibrational
Components of Triply Degenerate
Vibrational Mode nu_6 of Mo(CO)_6 Based
on the Classical Interpretation of the Effective Rotation-Vibration
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 201, 95-108 (2000).
Monodromy, diabolic points, and
angular momentum coupling
Physics Letters 256(4), 235-44 (1999).
Qualitative analysis of molecular rotation
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European Phys. J. D7, 199-209 (1999).
Correlation between asymmetric and spherical top: imperfect
quantum bifurcations
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Tuning the hydrogen atom in crossed fields
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Phys. Rev. A 57(4), 2867-84 (1998).
Topological and symmetry features of intramolecular
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Spectrochim. Acta A 52, 881-900 (1996).
Density of vibrational states of a given symmetry type for
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