MONODROMY IN SYSTEMS WITH COUPLED ANGULAR MOMENTA AND REARRANGEMENT OF BANDS IN QUANTUM SPECTRA L. Grondin, D. A. Sadovski\'{\i}, and B. I. Zhilinski\'{\i} Universit\'e du Littoral,UMR CNRS 8101, Bo\^{\i}te Postale 5526, 59379 Dunkerque Cedex, France We continue to study the relation between the redistribution of levels in quantum energy spectra and monodromy of the corresponding classical system [see Phys. Lett. A 256, (1999) p. 235]. The system with two coupled angular momenta and SO(2) symmetry is compared to the system with three momenta and SO(3) symmetry. PACS: 03.65.Sq, 32.30.-r, 33.20.Wr submitted April 17, 2001, ms #AD8074, revised August 7, 2001 Phys. Rev. A 65 012105-1--15 (Dec. 2001)